Adult Bible Fellowships (ABFs) are classes on Sunday morning for instruction in God's word. Classes are designed to nurture relationships around biblical truth through teaching, discussion and application. Please contact Pastor Phil Burggraff if you have any questions regarding classes :: pastorphil{at}
This class covers various studies through the Right Now Media library.
Contact :: Terry Jennings
Starting Jan. 14th, this is the first Volume of the Equipping Intentional Grandparents curriculum series from Legacy Coalition. Our mission is to encourage and equip grandparents to be intentional about passing on their legacy of faith to their grandchildren, primarily through grandparenting ministries in the local church.
This class provides a New Testament Overview with approximately one book of the New Testament covered each week.
Contact :: Duane Rommel
This class leads beginning believers through the basics of the Christian life. Topics include salvation, obedience, hearing from God in His Word, communicating with God in prayer, meeting with God’s family in church, and telling others about Christ. This class is for new believers and will include more mature believers meeting with them outside class to help them grow in their faith.