About Children's Ministry

I want to welcome you to the Clearwater Community Church Children’s Ministries Section. CCC has a unique role in the lives of parents and children to which it ministers. It is not the responsibility of the church to raise children – this is not to say we don’t have a responsibility to children, but rather that God gives parents the responsibility to raise their children and to instill in them biblical values and principles. He holds them accountable.

This is where the church comes in – it allows us to align ourselves with the parents and serve them by having quality classes for their children and supporting them with parenting. The purpose statement for the Children’s Ministries at CCC is …

Partnering with parents to reach, teach, and grow children to become fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ.

Our responsibilities as a church lie primarily with parents – helping them and assisting them with their awesome responsibility to biblically raise their children and as teachers model and teach character. This responsibility is an immense one in today’s society – the pressures on parents and children are great. Because of this enormous responsibility, we have developed principles and policies to guide our children’s workers to assure parents that their children are in a safe environment

If I can be of assistance to you, please contact me. May God richly bless you as you continue to serve Him.

Beth Zeeb, Children’s Ministry Director

When: Sundays  ::

Visiting a new church can sometimes be overwhelming or intimidating so we've outlined what to expect below to put you at ease and make your experience an inviting one.  Whether you are new to the area, new to our church, or a first-time guest, we can’t wait to meet you!

What to Expect  :: 

An incredible experience designed just for your children each week. We are focused on building a foundation of faith in each child. We want to partner with parents to teach kids to depend on God and to know who they are because of the Gospel. 

A worship experience combining relevant Bible teaching, modern music, and creative media.

When You Arrive  ::  

First Service - Starting at 9:00am on July 11th we'll have classes for Nursery through 5 years olds. Elementary will be in the service with their parents.  We encourage parents to check out the Kid’s Cart before entering the sanctuary for a snack, writing tools and papers

Second Service - Service starts at 10:45am. There are classes for kids age 0-5th grade.

CHECK-IN ::  To check-in for either/both services, all children head to the "Children's Check-In" area in the Lobby to complete the registration for kids age 0-5th grade. There your child will be assigned to the appropriate class which will only take a moment once you complete the registration link below. Older kids may go straight to the Student Center.

You'll receive a label for both yourself and your child. The label for you is necessary to pick up your child at the end of service.